Monday, March 31, 2014

Woohoo!! I am soOo excited to start blogging about one of my greatest passions...teaching reading! I am a reading resource/Title I teacher and it is so FUN! I will be blogging to share fun reading strategies and hope to meet some awesome people along the way!

Today in one of my second grade reading groups, we worked on Cause and Effect. In this activity, students rolled the ball (cause) and hit the pins (effect). Then I gave them a cause card and they had to choose the effect from the lovely air conditioning vent! They just thought it was the COOLEST activity ever (no pun intended. haha!) This was our warm-up activity before we read a story called Bonk and the Lucky Buckeye! (It's a book from Reading A-Z.) I LOVE Reading A-Z especially as a Reading Resource teacher! Anyways, thanks for checking out my NEW blog!! :)